خواهم گفت همه اش را می خواهم
اگر بپرسی چقدر می خواهم،
بتو خواهم گفت همه اش را می خواهم.
امروز صبح، تو و من
و مردمان همه
در جریان حیرت انگیز یکی یی
ما تکه های خرد خیال
چه راه درازی آمده ایم،
در جستجوی خویش، و برای خویش
در ظلمت، در جستجوی وهم رهایی.
امروز صبح، برادرم از سفر پر ماجرایش
بازگشته است.
اینک او بر محراب زانو زده،
چشمانش غرقه در اشک اند.
و جانش در تمنای ساحلی تا لنگر اندازد
(اشتیاقی که من روزی داشتم).
بگذار آنجا زانو زند و بگرید.
بگذار قلبش را ذره ذره اشک بریزد.
بگذار آنجا هزار سال پناه بگیرد،
آنقدر که اشک هایش همه خشک شوند.
یکی از این شب ها خواهم آمد
و بر سر پناهش آتش خواهم افکند،
آن کلبه ی محقر بر تپه.
آتشم همه چیز را نابود خواهد کرد
و تنها زورق زندگی اش را پس از غرقه شدن خواهد ربود.
در غایت اندوه جانش
پوسته ی سخت خواهد شکست.
شعله ی کلبه ی سوزان
رستگاری پر شکوهش را شهادت خواهد داد.
برایش در کنار کلبه ی درآتش
صبر خواهم کرد.
اشک ها بر گونه هایم جاری خواهند شد.
آنجا خواهم بود تا هستی ی نواش را به نظاره بایستم.
و چون دستانش را در دست هایم خواهم گرفت
و از او خواهم پرسید چقدر می خواهد،
لبخندی خواهد زد و خواهد گفت که همه اش را می خواهد--
همچون من.
If you ask how much do I want,
I'll tell you that I want it all.
This morning, you and I
and all men
are flowing into the marvelous stream
of oneness.
Small pieces of imagination as we are,
we have come a long way to find ourselves
and for ourselves, in the dark, the illusion
of emancipation.
This morning, my brother is back from his
long adventure.
He kneels before the altar,
his eyes full of tears.
His soul is longing for a shore to set anchor at
(a yearning I once had).
Let him kneel there and weep.
Let him cry his heart out.
Let him have his refuge there for a thousand years,
enough to dry all his tears.
One night, I will come
and set fire to his shelter,
the small cottage on the hill.
My fire will destroy everything
and remove his only life raft after a shipwreck.
In the utmost anguish of his soul,
the shell will break.
The light of the burning hut will witness
his glorious deliverance.
I will wait for him
beside the burning cottage.
Tears will run down my cheeks.
I will be there to contemplate his new being.
And as I hold his hands in mine
and ask him how much he wants,
he will smile and say that he wants it all---
just as I did.
Thich Nhat Hanh
From: BEING PEACE (2005; Berkeley, CA)
If you ask how much do I want,
I'll tell you that I want it all.
This morning, you and I
and all men
are flowing into the marvelous stream
of oneness.
Small pieces of imagination as we are,
we have come a long way to find ourselves
and for ourselves, in the dark, the illusion
of emancipation.
This morning, my brother is back from his
long adventure.
He kneels before the altar,
his eyes full of tears.
His soul is longing for a shore to set anchor at
(a yearning I once had).
Let him kneel there and weep.
Let him cry his heart out.
Let him have his refuge there for a thousand years,
enough to dry all his tears.
One night, I will come
and set fire to his shelter,
the small cottage on the hill.
My fire will destroy everything
and remove his only life raft after a shipwreck.
In the utmost anguish of his soul,
the shell will break.
The light of the burning hut will witness
his glorious deliverance.
I will wait for him
beside the burning cottage.
Tears will run down my cheeks.
I will be there to contemplate his new being.
And as I hold his hands in mine
and ask him how much he wants,
he will smile and say that he wants it all---
just as I did.